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6th European Organic Congress


Smart change - towards a sustainable CAP
Organic and high nature value farming shaping future food systems


 Copenhagen, Denmark

17-18 April 2012


Over the year 2012, far reaching decisions will be made to shape European food systems for the future: European Parliament and Council of Ministers will discuss the Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020, based upon proposals made by the Commission in October 2011. Challenges to our future food supply such as climate change, increasing scarcity of natural resources and socio-economic shifts in rural areas demand progressive change in policies and farm practice. Organic farming as a knowledge based, innovative system approach to sustainability and quality food production with EU wide certification in place offers opportunities to meeting a broad range of these challenges and the economic strengthening of High Nature Value farms can ensure the enhancement of biodiversity and contribute to the viability of rural societies; both farm systems should be in the focus of the new policies. The 6th European Organic Congress “Smart change - towards a sustainable CAP” addresses the policy change needed to come to a greener, smarter, fairer CAP for the future, improve the availability of sustainably produced food for consumers and to ensure the credibility of certification for sustainable farm systems.


More information regarding the Congress, travel and accommodation can be found on this website of by contacting the Congress secretariat at congress@ifoam-eu.org.


Congress Registration closes on April 6 2012!





Congress Organisers:  


Congress Partner:   CONGRESS Supporters:    







The Congress is co-financed by Per Mille Fund for Agriculture, Denmark  
This congress is co-financed by the European Community, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development. The sole responsibility for the communication/publication lies with the IFOAM EU Group. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information provided